Friday, August 30, 2013

The effects of stress on your body

Our whole body respond on stress so too much of it can lead to exhaustion, a variety of health problems and can be fatal.  About 75% of our visits to doctors are directly or indirectly stress related.

Click on the link below to see how stress affects the different parts of our bodies.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

All about stress..

What is stress?
Stress is any emotional, physical, economical, social or other factor that requires a response or change.  It can be defined as a state we experience when there is a mismatch between perceived demands and perceived ability to cope with it.  It is the link between how we view demands and how we think we can cope with those demands that determines whether we feel no stress, positive stress or negative stress.
We need to get a balance
Because of the way we live today, we know we are going to feel stress at some time or another so we need to reduce the frequency and extent to which the stress balance is going to tip towards negative stress.  We can do this by decreasing the number and types of demands and by building up our coping resources.  This will help to avoid or to minimise the effects of distressful situations.  We need to learn how to increase our excursions into positive stress by getting the right balance between demands and coping resources.
Click on the link below to learn more about the differences between negative stress and positive stress, and of course the three sides of stress..