Phytochemicals in some Fruit and Vegetables
Broccoli and broccoli sprouts
Contain an abundance of the cancer-fighting phytochemical sulforaphane.

An apple a day
Rich in flavonoids - may protect against lung cancer.
The phytoestrogens of soybeans seem to starve cancer cells and inhibit tumor growth,
the phytosterols may lower blood cholesterol and protect cardiac arteries.
with its abundant organosulfur compounds,
may lower blood cholesterol and protect against stomach cancer.
The phytochemical resveratrol found in grapes (and nuts)
protects against cancer by inhibiting cell growth and against heart disease
by limiting clot formation and inflammation.

The ellagic acid of strawberries may inhibit certain types of cancer.
with their abundant lycopene,
may defend against cancer by protecting DNA from oxidative damage.
The monoterpenes of citrus fruits (and cherries)

The flavonoids in black tea
may protect against heart disease.
Where as those in green tea
may defend against cancer.
The flavonoids in cocoa and chocolate
defend against oxidation and reduce the tendency of blood to clot.

Spinach and other colourful vegetables
contain the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin,
which help protect the eyes against macular degeneration.
the richest source of lignans,
may prevent the spread of cancer.
a rich source of flavonoids,
improve memory in animals.
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